Splore Bot
Last Update: Version 1.0 (14 January 2024)
Who is Splore?
Splore is an AI-powered support assistant. Tailored to your community, Splore makes accessing knowledge easy by providing a personalised and engaging search experience.
How to Install Splore Bot?
Upon authorization, you will be taken to https://splore.com to set up your Base. Essentially, Base is where you customise your search experience, which in turn will be activated in your Discord server.
Voila! It's as simple as that to install Splore Bot to your Discord server!
How to use Splore Bot?
There are 3 ways to get Splore to answer your question.
1. Slash Commands
To ask to Splore, simply use /splore followed by your question. You can use this command in text channel as well as in direct message with Splore.
2. Mention @Splore
Another way to ask to Splore is by mentioning @splore followed by your question. Similarly, this command is enabled both in text channel and direct message.
3. Automated Q&A
Last but not least, you can use Splore in your forum channel. Whenever a new discussion thread is started, Splore will automatically answer the question posted, without having to use slash command or mention as above.
There are 2 ways to setup this feature.
In the forum channel where you want to activate this feature, simply use /setqachannel
Direct message Splore with /setqachannel
Splore will prompt you to select which server and which forum channel you want to activate the automated Q&A
Posting Useful Q&A to your Base
Discovery has always been the challenge with Discord. There are lots of useful Q&A discussion happening in your forum, but it is not easily accessible, especially for users outside Discord.
Splore tackles this challenge by ingesting contents from Discord to your Base.
Right click on the content you want to post
Click on Apps -> Post to Splore
List of Commands
/help: Get to know about Splore.
/splore: Ask questions and get the most relevant answer.
/search: Search across messages in your server.
/setqachannel: Set up automated Q&A forums.
Privacy & Policy
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